Our Sectors

With a proven track record and extensive industry network, we are the leading recruiter for Immersive Technology. Our highly experienced team works directly within this innovative sector, leveraging their deep understanding of its unique skill requirements to deliver exceptional results.

As Spatial Computing and Mixed Reality continue to transform industries from retail to industrial design to healthcare, our recruiters remain at the cutting edge of these transformative technologies.

We specialise in connecting companies with professionals skilled in deploying Spatial Computing and Mixed Reality for interactive retail experiences, enhancing operational workflows, and creating immersive training simulations. Whether optimising design processes in architecture, improving patient outcomes in healthcare, or advancing educational techniques, we match you with MR and SC specialists who have the technical prowess and creative insight to deliver groundbreaking, impactful solutions.

Our recruitment team possesses a deep understanding of the unique technical and creative skills necessary to drive innovation in Augmented Reality. From retail and product visualisation to design, support, and maintenance, we have a proven track record of identifying and placing top AR talent across a wide range of applications. Our industry knowledge and extensive network enable us to find the perfect candidates to bring your AR initiatives to life.

As Virtual Reality continues to transform industries from gaming to healthcare to education, our recruiters stay at the forefront of the latest technologies and trends.

We specialise in connecting companies with skilled professionals across areas such as Training & Simulation, Product Presentation, Collaborative Design, and Virtual Events. We match you with VR specialists who have the technical skills and creative vision to deliver immersive, impactful experiences.

Our extensive experience working with some of the world’s leading creative and experiential design agencies has equipped us with a deep understanding of the unique talent needs in this sector. We specialise in identifying and placing highly skilled professionals who excel at merging creative vision with technical proficiency to create memorable brand experiences.

Our recruiters have extensive industry networks with experts in immersive installations, experiential design, dynamic product launches, and innovative brand activations. Partnering with us provides access to a broad talent pool capable of elevating your brand and captivating your audience in novel ways. We excel at matching both contract and permanent professionals with organisations that aim to engage and inspire their audiences. This ensures we deliver perfectly suited talent for every phase of a project, from initial concept to completion, guaranteeing that every creative idea is realised successfully and has a lasting impact.

In the dynamic world of Virtual Production, our reputation for connecting innovative content producers and studios with Virtual Production specialists is unmatched. We focus on the entertainment, advertising, and education sectors.

We specialise in critical roles such as Real-Time VFX Artists, LED Volume Engineers, Motion Capture Technicians, and Virtual Production Designers for the entertainment, advertising, and education sectors. Our expertise also covers positions in Unreal Engine Development, Unreal Technical Artists, 3D Modelling Artists, and AR/VR Developers. This comprehensive range of skills allows us to provide the necessary talent for creating immersive virtual experiences.

By supplying companies with talented professionals, we position our clients at the forefront of film, broadcast, and interactive media. Committed to offering talent solutions that keep pace with the rapid technological progress in Virtual Production, we go beyond filling positions.